Inheritance Module

The Approach

Inheritance-based approach is a good choice;

  • if you want to isolate your functionality in one class
  • if you want to standardize the exception-handling


MethodicExceptive is a class with __call__ method. All you have to do is to provide a run method and except__YourException on it.

You can import MethodicExceptive from exceptive.inheritance module and inherit it on your class.:

class Hello(MethodicExceptive):
    def run(self, name):
        print("Hello "+name+"!")

    def except__TypeError(self, exception):
        print("Invalid input!")

    # Initialize your object.
    obj = Hello()

    # Call it.
    # Hello world!

    # Invalid input!

You can also provide except__else to handle exception that are not provided as method.:

class Hello(MethodicExceptive):
    def run(self, name):
        print("Hello world!")

    def except__TypeError(self, exception):
        pass  # do something with TypeError

    def except__else(self, exception):
        pass  # do something with any other exception